Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're on twitter!

people, people.

we are now on twitter. so if you do have one. feel free to follow me lahq okeyh? alahq.. i invite lahq.. u dun wanna ur pasal ahq. u tinq i care is it? chehhh.

the reason ahq for the itchyness to open a twitter account ahq .. this one i tell eu. if eu dun wanna noe, eu dun read ahq. toopeeed. oh yahq. the reason is simply becaurseeee. we do not have time to update this pwecious blog of oursss! okeyh? so we decided on twitter where we shall update our status for eu all to read lahq seyhhh. (insert the feeling of being young & famous here. ) teeehehehehe.

before i leave you guys to do back whatever shyt ur doing karns... i just would like to share a special coolshyt stuff with eu all... here goes... before anytinq, eu , yes euu! get ur butt off that chair/floor/bed/toilet bowl and take a piece of a paper & a pen or pencil okeyh? colour pencil oso can ahq. but liquid paper cannot okeyh. ehqqq. but can oso ahq. incase eu need to liquid off some things eu write wrongly... heeee.

do this okeyh?!

1) write down the age you are supposed to be this year.. example 20.

2) write down the last two numbers of the year you are born... example if you are born on 1945.. u write 45 okeyh?

3) now you add the age you are turning into this year, add it up with the last two numbers of the year you are born...

4) now tell me. am i smart or whutt?!! the answer issss.... 111 ryte??!!

correct or not? teeheee. this one i got it from a fellow twitterpersonnel. so iyeahh. i won't claim credits okeyhh?! and the reason i want eu all to take the pen & paper is becaurse.. i scared eu all mental sum fail. teeehehehehe.

The Minah