Meet Debrahlee Lorenzana, the woman claiming to be “too hot” for Citibank.
The stunning 33-year-old New York banker is suing the U.S banking giant, claiming she was harrassed and then fired for being “too sexy”.
The tall, buxom brunette claims in the lawsuit that her manager told her to “refrain from wearing certain items of clothing, in particular, turtleneck tops, pencil skirts, fitted business suits, or other properly tailored clothing”.
It appears the stunner’s killer bod was deemed a huge distraction by her hot-blooded male colleagues as soon as she sashayed into Citibank’s Chrysler Building branch in September 2008.
Bank supervisors reportedly told Lorenzana, who stands 1.70 metre-tall and weighs 56 kilos, that she should also refrain from wearing classic high-heeled business pumps as they drew attention to her curves.
But the Latina businesswoman claims it was not her wardrobe that was inappropriate; she says she shops at the same stores as her colleagues, citing Zara as an example. It was just the way her body looked in them.
When she protested that her female colleagues were dressed far more provocatively than she was, the bank allegedly told her those women were different because they were ”not as attractive”.
The single mother’s complaints of harrassment to Citibank’s Human Resources department resulted in a transfer to another branch where her circumstances worsened. She was eventually fired by the bank last year on grounds that she failed to recruit new customers.
The lawsuit is making headlines around the world and has catapulted Lorenzana to instant superstardom. Her claims have now also triggered the fierce age-old debate on gender discrimination at the workplace.
After all, according to reports, Lorenzana had won praise and a few customer service awards from her previous employers including Bank of America and Metropolitan Hospital in Queens.
“She was punished because her male colleagues couldn’t handle their libidos,” her New York City lawyer, Jack Tuckner, told The New York Post.
Citibank responded by telling the New York press, ”We believe the lawsuit is without merit and will defend against it vigorously.”
The bank insists that the her dismissal was purely “performance-based”.

aiyerhhh. can euu pwease tell tat lady on top to stop feeling2 can or not lahqq seii!. i more hot den her karnss??!! hahahaq. hehehehq. huhuhuhq.
anywaes karns. i duno lahq if such tinqs reli x-sis? u mean like u get fired for being too hawt. arrrgggh. no wonder lahq until now i cannot get job when my interviewer is a female. they jelez lahq seii cos i too hawt for them. ehq??!!. @.@
tinqing again karns. sumtimes this media2 all. they want to gain publicity oniq. publicity mi arse. rmbr the jack neo's case the riz low april fools joke. and of cos a few months back the nadia fazlini case. they get infamous cause of smtng overnitee. wah sehhh. like that i osoq can create hu hah den get infamous overnite ahq. then after sometime it quiets down readiiqq. kimerk. waste time oniq lahq this people... no life one like euu all. hak ptuii ahhhq!
and of cos lahq kan my fellow tagboard warriors. if euu want publicity euu can email me okeyh.
1) euur message of wateva u wanna say or whoever euu want shoot
2) den dun forget ur peeeqchaa ahq. hahahahhaq. who noes got mats/minahs see euu hawt den wanna ask for euur number or what..
dun want wasted noe.
The Minah