kimarq. the prev post ahq eu all must wait lahq siyarl. cos dat baby minah go for holiday. buto ahq. go holiday never tell abg! i like bodoh siyorl tot wat happen to her siyarl. kiwarq. ok. the mat have been busie watching werld cup lahq. as euu know, or even if euu dun noe now i tell euu ahq. the mat wants SPAIN to take back the cup. or second in line will be ARGENTINA! buahdadada. to ladies ehq,(oh i mean minah lahq siyorl.) if euu don noe nothing, don be macham paham ahq! feeling2 watch world cup. siyarl ahq. i cannot take eeeiit siyarl. kiwarq. go arab street fill up the space oniq. we mats want to watch no more table cos table filled up with euu minahs. ala. come on ehq. eu all want to watch soccer or eu all want to watch the players. or eeuu all want to watch we mats watching the game. buahdadada. admit it lahq siyarl. buto ahq. sell face oniq. kiwarq. if hhawt like the minah or kiyut like baby minah can ahq eu want to do like that. kimarq. face like shit want to feeling2 hawtstuff. i want to watch soccer osoq cannot concentrate. they all make noise. buto ahq.
as for euu mats reading this entry, below is the points table as of 22 june. last match just now by spain and honduras. 2 - 0. spain, euu better win euur final match with chile ahq. kiwarq. don make me malu lahq siyarl. already lose with switz. bodo.
(CLICK TO ENLARGE BODO!!!)ok ahq. now we bet ahq siyorl. which are the 2 countries from each group from group A to group H that will go to the knock out round ahq. lets say group A, eu bet for mexico and france. i bet for uruguay and south africa. whatever it is lahq bodo. example oniq rite bodoh. euu tell me ahq!
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