but but.. the following piqcha laike cool laike that lahq ehq. so i shall post it up fer euu all lahq.. okeyhh? but then euu all must be smart lahq ehq. cuz the thing right. if euu all no imagination then laike that not fanie lahq seyhh! seriuz bodoh i tell euu. it took me a few seconds to understand siyarq. cos i read read den laike i was going "huh? aper siyarq?!" den a few seconds later.. like 2 or 3 seconds ahq i was laike.. "ooooooooooooooohhhh. tehehehehehe." ahq laike that ahq. so euu all tell me eu all take how many seconds ahq okeyhh. hehehheeqs.

later ahq. if i got free time laike that or whard. but dunno ahq. im toking about IF lahq okeyhh, den i snap snap minah2 or mat2 piqcha laike that den i insert after the mushroom piq okeyh.. den i put.. "i am a minah. and i look like a ______" or maybe a mat's version. "i am a mat and i look like a ______ " or maybe karns we can change eeit and put. "i am a ________ and i look like a mat/minah" gedditttt not??! okeyhh lahq. chill lahq seyy. i knoe lahq i'm lame.
The Minah
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