Saturday, June 26, 2010

Round of 16

as eu c above. highlighted in green ahq is the one going to the next stage. so the one that no green kaler that one fail ready ahq. CAN GO HOME. sory italy and all eur supporters and fans. go home redy ahq. buto ahq. buahdadada.

i see a spain supporter. i see an argentina supported in the house. good bodo. if anybody support england or u.s, eu can go to hell ahq! kiwarq.

ok ahq. this is the TENTH post for the month of june. so next post, will be in July ahq bodo. i told eu we will not exceed 10 post per month siyarl.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

anti anti. anti who? eurself ahq?

kaninabeichauchibai. i canort take it siyarl. this mat mat and this minah minah they say other minah minah and mat mat canort accept the truth. they go around showing how they hate aka anti this mat mat and minah minah. they made anti groups all over the internet. kiwarq. (indirectly potraying the message 'i hate miself cos i am a minah' and decided not to accept the facts of life.) example ahq ehq..

minah A: siyarl ahq. minah B minah siyorl. the eyebrow like whard oniq siyarq. like no more eyebrow like that. (minah A do have the same style for an eyebrow as minah B)

minah B: ehq kimarq. minah A. tink preety or whard siyarl so fat use hot pants aka superq mini shorts. the excessive fats all like fishball siyarq. bounce bounce. my hair all stand up siyarq. (minah B is just as fat, or maybe fatter than minah A. she might not wear superq mini shorts. but she wears superq mini skirts. whards the diff? euu tell me.)

and the cycle goes on. as a matter of fact. its more common to the minahs. cos they go around bitching their own species. mats on the other hand, don give a farq. like me.

i kept telling them. everytime you wanna say somebody lahq. please take a look in the mirror ferst. like reli siyarq. buto ahq.

oh i forgot. they canort look in the mirror cos the mirror will break. how sad. (this part euu all cry a bit ahq. mirror break siyarl!) they say other people (minahs) for doing blablabla. but they are just an exact replica. which decided that as long as you tinq euu are not like blablabla and when you say others (minahs & clan) is like blablabla. eur standard will go up. wah seh. powerq up siyorl. so that makes euu not a blablabla. kiwarq. euu undastand or nort ahq whard i say? don undastand ask okeyh. or try reading slowly.

don be like some peeple that decided that as long as euu tinq euu are not, than euu are not. stop it lahq buto.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

World Cup Updates

kimarq. the prev post ahq eu all must wait lahq siyarl. cos dat baby minah go for holiday. buto ahq. go holiday never tell abg! i like bodoh siyorl tot wat happen to her siyarl. kiwarq. ok. the mat have been busie watching werld cup lahq. as euu know, or even if euu dun noe now i tell euu ahq. the mat wants SPAIN to take back the cup. or second in line will be ARGENTINA! buahdadada. to ladies ehq,(oh i mean minah lahq siyorl.) if euu don noe nothing, don be macham paham ahq! feeling2 watch world cup. siyarl ahq. i cannot take eeeiit siyarl. kiwarq. go arab street fill up the space oniq. we mats want to watch no more table cos table filled up with euu minahs. ala. come on ehq. eu all want to watch soccer or eu all want to watch the players. or eeuu all want to watch we mats watching the game. buahdadada. admit it lahq siyarl. buto ahq. sell face oniq. kiwarq. if hhawt like the minah or kiyut like baby minah can ahq eu want to do like that. kimarq. face like shit want to feeling2 hawtstuff. i want to watch soccer osoq cannot concentrate. they all make noise. buto ahq.

as for euu mats reading this entry, below is the points table as of 22 june. last match just now by spain and honduras. 2 - 0. spain, euu better win euur final match with chile ahq. kiwarq. don make me malu lahq siyarl. already lose with switz. bodo.


ok ahq. now we bet ahq siyorl. which are the 2 countries from each group from group A to group H that will go to the knock out round ahq. lets say group A, eu bet for mexico and france. i bet for uruguay and south africa. whatever it is lahq bodo. example oniq rite bodoh. euu tell me ahq!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

If want to comment don use ANONYMOUS!

Anonymous said...

the mat/the minah, i got a request.
boleh tak korang buat satu entry pasal this minah2 espescially yang goes by saying...
"oh aku bukan melayu. aku mixed blood" or the one that says "aku bukan melayu im half chinese"
ker the one yg ckp "im not malay, im mixed of portugese,chinese and indian" and so on ah. aku binget ah.

June 11, 2010 4:06 AM

to the anonymous who leeave that comment lahq ehq, nxt time leave your name lahq buto. kimarq. ok ok. this time gua give euu chan lahq ehq. buahdadadadada. the mat and the minah is currently busy so we cannort create a post for euu at the moment. but ehq. we have pass the message to baby minah to entertain euur request bodoh. so lahq ehq. hopefully she will do it soon.

ok ok. euu all may ask who da hell is that baby minah. suddenly appeared out of no where ehq. shiok alone2 or what siyarl??!! if euu wanna know. remember a few months ago/weeks ago whatever shid lahq siyarl i cant remeber. the minah cyg put up a post to say that we will be closing down the blog???? ahq. that one ahq. the winner to that contest is baby minah! newly recruited! and now that the minah also busy because she step wanna take her driving. btt oso wanna scared. kimak. relek ahq bie. btt fail can take again per. tio bo? and ive been busy with work. BURGER SPECIAL SATU! buahahahdadadada. yah. so baby minah will be taking over the two of us for sometime. we will drop by randomly to post also but yahq not as frequent lahq. as euu can see. my last post was last month! ok. thats all for now. euu all don't read read oni lahq siyarl. not easy siyarl want to come up with a post!

baby minah cyg, go do your job!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ORCHWARD FERLAD! ohmaigawssshhhh.

o0hhh my gaaawwwwssshhh!

have euu all seen the video?


poor stwarbucks, wendys and all the shops that is like at the below kind. i tinq orange julius or whard. i dunnow ahq. let me twy and put the video for you okeywh.

its fwom youtube anyways. i dunow the person who uploaded it but thankiup boispade.
so thewre it isss. the orchard flood. 16 june 2010.

Baby Minah, Signing off.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mat kental urh

hewo ewibody.

baby minah here. do euu mish me nort? teehee.

twodays stowy is about mat kental machiam korntall. here is whard happewn.

baby minah was walking awound tampenis marl wif muai fwenzie ahq kharn. baby actwually want tuh buy clothes urh at tampines wan. shoppwing ahq kharn. so the thwoo of us (baby minah & mamart D) went inside espwit, uniqlow, dorothy perkins, topman and decided to have out dwinner at bbq chwiken. so we did.

aftwer dwinner, we leyparks outside tampenis wan at the tactsee there. while dwingking my lemon tea and my fwen, mamart D was smokwing. suddenly this mat kentall machiam korntall go to mamart D and say "ehq, why euu stare stare at my gwirl ahq?"
baby minah was so shocked euu know. i tot what this mamart D do. so mamart D answer urh, "i want to stare at ur gurl for whard siyorl. no steam siyarl. my gurl hawter siyorl. i waiting for tactsee lah siarl. euu and euur gurl blocking my view bodo!"

teeheee. den the mat kentall machiam korntall kental buah lychee paisey redii. paiseyy orh whard boi! teehee. den he apologise and walk off wif his minah kental. which is so ugly like e.t. teehee.

den mamart D was so pissed he shout "kimark! don want ppl look go put paper bag over her face lah siyarl! face pweetie orh whard nevermind ahq. face like lizard who want to see bodo??!!" teehee. so funny siarq mamart D. no ahq, he nort my boifwiend ahq. baby minah stwill swingle urh. but we vewi cwose becose we stay vewi near. teehee. and oh. mamart D and baby minah wasn't waiting for tactsee btw. teehee.

Baby Minah, Signing off.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Welcome on board

Baby Minah here. will be helpwing the mat & the minah to updwate the bwog. hehehe.

tankiup to the minah for allowing me to be part of the admiwns.

lurp euu kakaq & abg!

will do my best to not make the bwog siwent okieh?

Baby Minah, signing off.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

somebody, tell me im hawter than her. :X

Meet Debrahlee Lorenzana, the woman claiming to be “too hot” for Citibank.

The stunning 33-year-old New York banker is suing the U.S banking giant, claiming she was harrassed and then fired for being “too sexy”.

The tall, buxom brunette claims in the lawsuit that her manager told her to “refrain from wearing certain items of clothing, in particular, turtleneck tops, pencil skirts, fitted business suits, or other properly tailored clothing”.

It appears the stunner’s killer bod was deemed a huge distraction by her hot-blooded male colleagues as soon as she sashayed into Citibank’s Chrysler Building branch in September 2008.

Bank supervisors reportedly told Lorenzana, who stands 1.70 metre-tall and weighs 56 kilos, that she should also refrain from wearing classic high-heeled business pumps as they drew attention to her curves.

But the Latina businesswoman claims it was not her wardrobe that was inappropriate; she says she shops at the same stores as her colleagues, citing Zara as an example. It was just the way her body looked in them.

When she protested that her female colleagues were dressed far more provocatively than she was, the bank allegedly told her those women were different because they were ”not as attractive”.

The single mother’s complaints of harrassment to Citibank’s Human Resources department resulted in a transfer to another branch where her circumstances worsened. She was eventually fired by the bank last year on grounds that she failed to recruit new customers.

The lawsuit is making headlines around the world and has catapulted Lorenzana to instant superstardom. Her claims have now also triggered the fierce age-old debate on gender discrimination at the workplace.

After all, according to reports, Lorenzana had won praise and a few customer service awards from her previous employers including Bank of America and Metropolitan Hospital in Queens.

“She was punished because her male colleagues couldn’t handle their libidos,” her New York City lawyer, Jack Tuckner, told The New York Post.

Citibank responded by telling the New York press, ”We believe the lawsuit is without merit and will defend against it vigorously.”

The bank insists that the her dismissal was purely “performance-based”.


aiyerhhh. can euu pwease tell tat lady on top to stop feeling2 can or not lahqq seii!. i more hot den her karnss??!! hahahaq. hehehehq. huhuhuhq.

anywaes karns. i duno lahq if such tinqs reli x-sis? u mean like u get fired for being too hawt. arrrgggh. no wonder lahq until now i cannot get job when my interviewer is a female. they jelez lahq seii cos i too hawt for them. ehq??!!. @.@

tinqing again karns. sumtimes this media2 all. they want to gain publicity oniq. publicity mi arse. rmbr the jack neo's case the riz low april fools joke. and of cos a few months back the nadia fazlini case. they get infamous cause of smtng overnitee. wah sehhh. like that i osoq can create hu hah den get infamous overnite ahq. then after sometime it quiets down readiiqq. kimerk. waste time oniq lahq this people... no life one like euu all. hak ptuii ahhhq!

and of cos lahq kan my fellow tagboard warriors. if euu want publicity euu can email me okeyh.
1) euur message of wateva u wanna say or whoever euu want shoot
2) den dun forget ur peeeqchaa ahq. hahahahhaq. who noes got mats/minahs see euu hawt den wanna ask for euur number or what..
dun want wasted noe.

The Minah

Thursday, June 3, 2010

More on mats jokes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:41 PM
Subject: Mats Jokes

Are eu guys readiqqq to read the post????!!!

Okeyhhh. Lets begin.

Q) Two mats jump off a cliff, who wins?
A) Society.

Q) Two mats in a car, who's driving?
A) The policeman.

Q) What do you call a mat/minah who has a Diploma?
A) A liar.

Q) What do you say to a mat with a job?
A) "Burger special one. Kropok lekor 2 dollars"

Q) What do you say to a mat with a fancy job?
A) "Quarter pounder meal. Upsize. Take away"

Q) What's the difference between a mat and a minah ?
A) A minah has a higher sperm count.

Q) What do you call a Mat/Minah with half a brain?
A) Gifted.

Q) What do you call a Mat in college?
A) The janitor.

Q) What do you do if you run over a Mat?
A) Reverse, just to make sure the bastard's dead.

Q) Why is a mat not like a park bench?
A) A park bench can support a family.

The jokes actually very old ready lahq. But sometimes we need to re-use things to give it a better blow okeyh? Den u add some salt & pepper or sugar & spice oso lahq ehq. However, is not claiming any copyrights from the jokes as its not originally ours (we do add and minus certain parts lahq seii) but we just decided to share it wif euu guys lahq siyarq. see. so kind also duno how to say thankiyu. kiwarq!

If eu just excuse me cause i got to touch up my make up lahq. must make my face ten times whiter den mi neck and body. so my make up visible like chinese opera like that lahq seii. okeyh okeyhhh. late readiiq. the mat cyg waiting for me oredyq. he say i very slow. babi.

The Minah

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Ehqqq. Chibai lahqq siyarl. Tinq i scared of euu or whard siyarl. step big is it?

dun step chibaiss here with me lah chibai. euur mother the mother ahq, to the CHIBAI! (you can click the word CHIBAI)